The Gajner Palace, Bikaner, Rajhasthan. This is one of a group of Indian hotels where we have acted as consultants in the conservation and restoration of the predominantly British Raj interiors.
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- Decorative Arts, antique ceramics
- Fine Art, 20th Century plus
- Fine Art, pre 20th century
- Contemporary Furniture
- Fine furniture, antiques
- Custom rugs, carpets
- Custom soft furnishings
- Final touches to complete
- Residential, common areas
- Residential, custom joinery
- Residential, restoration
- Residential, specialist finishes
- Residential, Audio Visual
- Residential, overseas
- Commercial, visitors’ area
- Commercial, Audio visual
- Commercial, custom joinery
- Commercial, public reception
- Hotels, London
- Hotels, Overseas
- Construction and allied services
- Project plans and drawings
- Property Advice